Eco-friendly anti-foul film

The more environmentally conscious alternative to anti-foul paint systems..

Anti-foul film is and ecological alternative to traditional anti-foul.

Our high performance film is good for your wallet and the environment.

  • 5-7 years durability Compared to 6-8 months of traditional anti-foul.

  • Unmatched ease of maintenance. Remove stains with a sponge.

  • Self-cleaning. Foul falls off at 5-7 knots.

Anti-fouling paint has been used for around 100 years, but major changes are on the way. New legislation means that shipyards are having to invest in upgraded facilities such as sewage retention ponds. Access to previously popular anti-fouling paints is going to become limited as many existing biocides are phased out. MacGlide film has excellent dirt-repelling properties (patent pending), so it protects the hull from colonisation by marine organisms without using biocides or pesticides. It also safe- guards human health by eliminating shipyard exposure to toxic biocides, and extensive testing shows that MacGlide provides enhanced protection to boats.

150,000 tons of antifouling paints are used across Europe each year, and every square metre of applied paint contains around 15g of biocide - capable of contaminating 150,000m³ of water. It means that such paints cause damage to the marine environment while also creating a need for frequent repainting.

The good news is that helping the environment also improves protection for your boat - with less maintenance and lower overall costs. High performance MacGlide adhesive film is good for your boat, for your wallet, and for marine fauna and flora.

Interested in finding out more? Call us: +44 (0)1983 722272.